Our Earth is shrinking
our Earth is shrinking?
Its very curious to know and also Strange that our Earth is shrinking , Yes its true.
How our universe is formed, hmm there are several theories proposed by Scientists but, amongst all theories only one is accepted "THE BIG BANG THEORY". In this theory it is explained how our universe is formed, and how galaxy, our solar system etc. formed.According to this theorie there were particles near about atom size and that particles(neutrino) blast sudden with a huge energy known as BIG BANG and forms the universe. All the other particles formed after BIG BANG gained the shape of GALAXIES,STARS,PLANETS,SOLAR SYSTEM,SUN etc , and almost every particle in this whole universe is made of NEUTRINO (also known as GOD PARTICLES / HIGGS BOSON PARTICLE).
When new celestial bodies forms after BIG BANG different forces act from all side on the celestial bodies and to gain less force they all gain the shape of SPHERE (because smallest area is of Sphere)smaller area less force. As all the celestial bodies start rotating them to gain the shape of a sphere.
During that period earth was very Hot and Life is impossible , As we know if a Hot object is rotated then heat loss from that body and due to heat loss the size of the body shrink./small in volume
Same phenomenon is applied on Earth as, Earth is rotating about its axis and the core which has about 6000 degree Celsius in present and earlier 12000 degree Celsius. This proofs that earth is emitting Heat. Due to this we have proof that earth is Shrinking due to its rotation , and this will emit till Earth temperature will be not equal to space temperature which is -270 degree Celsius almost.
As outer space is very cold because no particles are in space to trap the heat from the sun, but earth will not shrink rapidly don't worry , it is very slow process. So live long.
so I hope you are boosted with some interesting topic .
Our Earth is shrinking
Reviewed by Ashraf ali
August 01, 2018

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